Category: Interior Design Tips

Ready for Christmas? You should be!

Elevate your space – top ten tips to prepare your home for guests

The holiday season is almost upon us, and that means gatherings & festivities! As an interior designer, I understand the importance of creating a warm and inviting space for your guests. So let’s explore the key things you need to do to prepare your home for holiday guests.

What interior design style am I?

If you’ve ever undertaken a home renovation project, you’ll be aware of the vast array of choices out there. So how do you choose what style to decorate?

Still working from home?

This time 3 years ago, we were hearing whispers about some awful virus, but we continued on as normal. Fast forward through the turbulence of the pandemic and here we are. Déjà vu.

Men. You are enough.

A bit of a random title for a newsletter that’s predominantly about interior design but trust me this is an important discussion to be had.

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