Welcome to our first journal post, where we will keep you updated on a regular basis of any exciting goings on and what we’ve been up to in and out of the Studio. We’ve also got some interesting Q&A’s coming up over the next few months with some of our suppliers and artisans that we love to use, so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out! We’re not into inbox cloggers either so we promise to keep it short, sweet and interesting.
You can also check up out on social media @thestudiojq on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, to see what is inspiring us at the moment and also keep up to date with the adventures of #meggiethewonderdog, our Studio Patterdale (& come on let’s be honest, the glue that holds everything together and the real boss).

We know Interiors blogs are a dime a dozen and we don’t intend to take on the behemoths that are Mad About the House or the Interior Style Hunter, but we do hope you’ll find our jottings interesting and informative, and if there’s anything you’d like us to write about or you’re a trade professional that would like to feature on our Notebook then do get in touch as we’d love to hear from you.
This week has mostly consisted of contacting reps to set up trade accounts and filing paperwork to the accountants, nothing remotely glamourous, but with CDW18 (Clerkenwell Design Week 2018) just around the corner, I’m hopeful that we’ll squeeze in a glass of champagne or two in there somewhere!
Jenny Quinlan
Director & Head of Design
Studio JQ Ltd